Population Hangzhou (China)

8 700 067


As of November 1, 2024 the population (permanent residents) Hangzhou is 8 700 067 people, including children under the age of 6 - 875 444 people, teenagers (schoolchildren) aged 7 to 17 years - 1 021 170 people, young people from 18 to 29 years old - 1 049 446 people, adults aged 30 to 60 years - 3 735 591 people, elderly people over 60 years old - 1 635 613 people, and the centenarians Hangzhou over 80 years old - 382 803 people.


place is occupied by China in the ranking of countries by population


place is occupied by Hangzhou in the ranking of the largest cities in the world

Population size Hangzhou by age groups

Children under 6 years old 875 444 / 10.06%
Teenagers from 7 to 17 1 021 170 / 11.74%
Young people from 18 to 29 1 049 446 / 12.06%
Adults from 30 to 59 3 735 591 / 42.94%
Elderly over 60 1 635 613 / 18.8%
Centenarians over 80 382 803 / 4.4%

Gender composition of the population Hangzhou

Total Hangzhou permanent residents 4 141 232 men (47.6%) and 4 558 835 women (52.4%).

Age Men Women Percentage of women
0 – 4271 442 / 6.1%217 154 / 5.6%47.7%
5 – 9271 442 / 6.1%212 978 / 5.5%47.5%
10 - 14 242 209 / 5.4%192 098 / 5%47.5%
15 - 19 204 625 / 4.5%167 042 / 4.4%48%
20 - 24 242 209 / 5.4%200 450 / 5.2%49%
25 - 29 359 138 / 8.2%300 675 / 7.6%48.9%
30 - 34 350 786 / 8%300 675 / 7.6%49.4%
35 - 39 321 554 / 7.3%292 323 / 7.4%51.1%
40 - 44 296 498 / 6.7%275 619 / 7%51.5%
45 - 49 271 442 / 6.1%254 738 / 6.5%51.8%
50 - 54 309 026 / 7%309 027 / 7.8%53.6%
55 - 59 325 730 / 7.4%354 963 / 8.9%55.5%
60 - 64 271 442 / 6.1%317 379 / 8%57.3%
65 - 69 187 921 / 4.1%250 562 / 6.4%60.4%
70 - 74 79 344 / 1.5%133 633 / 3.6%65.8%
75 - 79 100 224 / 2%208 802 / 5.4%70%
80+70 992 / 1.3%187 922 / 4.9%75.2%

Education level

Education level of residents Hangzhou: have higher education 22.7% (1 974 915 people), incomplete higher education — 2.9% (252 302 people), secondary vocational — 35.7% (3 105 924 people), 11 classes — 15.7% (1 365 911 people), 9 classes — 8.7% (756 906 people), 5 classes — 8.2% (713 405 people), have no education — 0.4% (34 800 people), illiterate — 0.6% (52 200 people).

Higher education 1 974 915 / 22.7%
Incomplete higher 252 302 / 2.9%
Secondary vocational 3 105 924 / 35.7%
Elementary school 1 365 911 / 15.7%
Middle school 756 906 / 8.7%
High school 713 405 / 8.2%
Without education 34 800 / 0.4%
Illiterate 52 200 / 0.6%

Employment, unemployment and pensioners Hangzhou

Total Hangzhou the number of officially employed population is 5 672 444 people (65.2%), pensioners 2 349 018 people (27%), a officially registered and registered unemployed 417 603 people (4.8%).

Employed population 5 672 444 / 65.2%
Unemployed 417 603 / 4.8%
Pensioners 2 349 018 / 27%


Total Hangzhou have a disability 829 116 people, what constitutes 9.53% from the entire population. Disabled of the group I are 127 891 (1.47.%), disabled of the group II are 323 642 (3.72.%), disabled of the group III are 310 592 (3.57.%), disabled children 66 991 (0.77.%).

Total disabled 829 116 / 9.53%
Disabled of the group I 127 891 / 1.47%
Disabled of the group II 323 642 / 3.72%
Disabled of the group III 310 592 / 3.57%
Disabled children 66 991 / 0.77%